Prove that the following two conditions for a strongly connected directed graph G are equivalent:
(i)G contains a directed cycle of an even length.
(ii) The vertices of G can be colored by 2 colors (each vertex receives one color) in such a way that for each vertex u there exists a directed edge (u, v)with v having the color different from the color of u.
It is probably easy to prove (i)$\Leftarrow$(ii). In short, Assuming the vertex colors are white and black,since it passes through the white and black vertices alternately, G contains a directed cycle of an even length.Is it alright?
But, proof of (i) $\Rightarrow$(ii) is difficult.Please give me your advise if you have any ideas.
By the way, is the equivalence not true in weakly connected?If so why?
Color an arbitrary even cycle in a legal way (alternate bewteen colors as you go through the cycle), and then choose arbitrary paths of uncolored vertices that end in a colored vertex and color them in a legal way that matches the vertex they end on, until all vertices are colored. all colored vertices satisfy your rule due to our construction, and all vertices will be colored because the graph is strongly connected so there is always a path from an uncolored vertex towards a colored vertex.
this does not work for weakly connected since a vertex might have an out-degree of zero, which makes it impossible to satisfy the rule.