Imagine a person wants to celebrate his birthday. But some of the guests don't like each other.
Person A says she won't come if Person B or Person C is there. Person B and Person D say that they won't come if Person E is there. Person E wont come if Person F is there. Person F always argues with Person D.
Actually the Birthday child don't like his Friends, but he wants to invite them anyway.
Question: How often does he have to invite at least to the birthday, so there is no dispute.
My work:
As you can read in the title I really want to solve this with graph theory. I draw a directed graph. I have 6 nodes. I draw an Edge whenever a person doesn't like another person. But how can graph theory help me here? Maybe matching in term of graph theory can help us?
Here is the complete graph showing what happens if everyone is invited:
Now delete the incompatible links
Now look for the maximum complete subgraphs: They are $\{ B, C, D \}$ and $\{ B, C, F \}$.
So the largest party has three people: $B$ and $C$ with either $D$ or $F$.
In Mathematica: