Asymptotics of Binomial coefficients

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I have the following expression


where $p$ and $q$ are nonnegative integers with $p\geq q$. I have been trying to obtain an asymptotic formula for this expression as $p$ grows using Stirling's approximation:

$$\log{(n!)}= n\log{n}-n+\frac{1}{2}\log{(2\pi)}+\frac{1}{2}\log{n}+O(\tfrac{1}{n}).$$

Applying this approximation to this entire expression yields quite a large formula so I'll not reproduce it here, but every time I try and do this I end up with an asymptotic formula that is incorrect, usually by a factor of $e$. For example, consider the second factorial in the denominator:


Now as $p$ grows very large, what should this expression reduce to? Is it




or something else?