Can two points be added?

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Can two points be added?

The reason I ask is because when I think about it all I see is vector addition. I understand the difference between vectors and points. I know we used to talk about points on the number line as a kid, and we added numbers, but I can't assume equivalency.

It also feels strange to say "if I add this location with this other location I get a new location."

What is the answer, and what is the root of my confusion?


There are 1 best solutions below


It also feels strange to say "if I add this location with this other location I get a new location."

What is the answer, and what is the root of my confusion?

You don't add locations, you add displacements.

Even as a kid you would not be taught scalar addition as adding points on the number line, but adding the distance moved between points.   Start at the origin ($0$), move distance $x$, then move distance $y$ from there and the point you arrive at has the value of the sum of $x$ and $y$.

That's basically adding 1-dimensional displacement vectors.

Are you sure that you understand the distinction between points and vectors?