Suppose that $\mathrm{dim}_{F}M<\infty$ for $F$ a field and $M$ an $F$ vector space. Let $T$ be a linear transformation on $M$. Show that $M$ is cyclic (as an $F[x]$ module) if and only if $m(x)$ is the characteristic polynomial of $T$, for $m(x)$ being the minimal polynomial of $T$.
How would one be able to show this? I'm not sure on how to start with either direction. We know that the torsion of $M$ would just be $M$ (since $m(T)=0$) if we consider $M$ as an $F[x]$ module with $x$ being represented as the action of $T$ (i.e. $p(x) \cdot v=p(T)v$). Would the Cayley-Hamilton theorem help in this case?
Thanks for the help.
By the structure theorem of finitely generated modules over principal ideal domains, we can write
$$M \cong F[x]/(e_1) \oplus F[x]/(e_2) \oplus \dotsb \oplus F[x]/(e_s)$$
with $e_1 | e_2 | \dotsc | e_s$.
In particular we have $e_sM=0$, which means the minimal polynomial $m$ is a divisor of $e_s$ and actually one has $m=e_s$. This yields
$$\dim_F M = \deg e_1 + \dotsb + \deg e_s \geq \deg e_s = \deg m.$$
The minimal polynomial and the characteristic polynomial coincide if and only if equality holds, which is the case if and only if $s=1$, which means that $M \cong F[x]/(e_1)$ is cyclic.