If $R_{1}, R_{2}, ..., R_{n}$ is a family of noetherian rings, is $$R = R_{1} \oplus R_{2} \oplus ... \oplus R_{n}$$ a noetherian ring?
From a theorem I have an equivalence that says if a ring $R$ is noetherian then every nonempty set $S$ of left ideals of R has a maximal element. If $I \in S$, then $rI = (r_{1} + r_{2} + ... + r_{n})I = r_{1}I + r_{2}I + ... + r_{n}I\subseteq I$. Would this mean that $I$ is also a left ideal of each $R_{i}$ in the family of noetherian rings? If, so is it correct to conclude that any set $S$ of left ideals of R is also a set of left ideals of $\{ R_{i} \}$, thus having a maximal element and giving that $R$ is noetherian?
I understand what noetherian/artinian rings and modules are, but I'm having some trouble actually working with it.
The picture to have in mind for product rings (a picture which does not work for modules, by the way) is that a right ideal of $\prod_{i=1}^n R_i$ is always of the form $\prod_{i=1}^n T_i$ where each $T_i$ is a right ideal of $R_i$. This only applies to finite products. Containment works like you expect: $\prod_{i=1}^n T_i \subseteq \prod_{i=1}^n T'_i$ iff $T_i\subseteq T'_i$ for all $i$.
You can use this to solve your problem in a number of ways.
Given an ascending chain of right ideals $_1T\subseteq {_2T}\subseteq \ldots$ (I'm putting the subscripts on the left so they don't look like the subscripts of right ideals of the product ring above), you can find, for each index $i$, an index $i_n$ such that $_1T_i\subseteq {_2T_i}\subseteq \ldots$ has stabilized after $i_n$ steps. Since there are only finitely many $i$, you can just take the maximum $i_n$, and that means all the chains are simultaneously stabilized, and hence the original chain has stabilized.
Alternatively, if $N$ is an $R$ submodule of $M$ and you believe that $M$ is Noetherian iff $M/N$ and $N$ are Noetherian, then you can work inductively by saying that if $R=R_1\times R_2$ where $R_i$ are both Noetherian, you can use the first observation to conclude that the $R$ submodules of $R_1$ are exactly $T_1\times\{0\}$ for each right ideal $T_1\subseteq R_1$, and similarly for $R_2$, so that both of the $R$ modules $R/R_1\cong R_2$ and $R_1$ are Noetherian $R$ modules (since their submodules match those of the $R_i$, which are both Noetherian.)
Your idea of checking by finite generation also works once you note that $T=\prod_{i=1}^n T_i$ is finitely generated as an $R$ module iff each $T_i$ is finitely generated as an $R_i$ module.