Let $\mathsf{C}$ be a rigid abelian tensor category in the sense of Deligne and Milne's notes (p.9). Let $\mathbf{1}$ denote the identity object in $\mathsf{C}$ with respect to $\otimes$. The abelian group $\text{End}(\mathbf{1})$ has the structure of a commutative ring (see discussion immediately after Definition $1.15$). Let us suppose that this ring is actually a field, so by Remark $1.18$, $\mathbf{1}$ is a simple object. The proof of Proposition $1.19$ says that there is a criterion in $\mathsf{C}$:
$$X\neq 0 \iff X\otimes X^\vee \to \mathbf{1} \text{ is an epimorphism}.$$
Here the morphism $X\otimes X^\vee \to \mathbf{1}$ is the morphism obtained from $\operatorname{id}_{X^\vee}$ via the commutativity constraint $X\otimes X^\vee\cong X^\vee\otimes X$ and the bijection
$$\text{Hom}(X^\vee \otimes X, \mathbf{1})\cong\text{Hom}(X^\vee, X^\vee).$$
I have shown that if this morphism is an epimorphism then $X\neq 0$, but I'm having trouble working through the other implication (and I'm fairly sure this "criterion" wasn't stated previously). Could anyone show me how to prove that if $X\neq 0$ then the morphism is epic? Many thanks!
Edit: Now suppose $(\mathsf{C}', \mathbf{1}')$ is another rigid abelian tensor category with $\mathbf{1}\neq 0$ and let $F: \mathsf{C}\to\mathsf{C}'$ be an exact tensor functor. I must confess that even assuming the above criterion I am slightly mystified as to how this can be used to prove Proposition $1.19$:
$F$ is faithful
I understand that $F$ preserves the criterion, but I'm not sure how to relate this to showing it is injective on hom-sets between objects. Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated!
For an exact functor $F$ between abelian categories, being faithful is equivalent to the condition $$FX=0\Rightarrow X=0$$ on objects, since a morphism is zero if and only if its image is zero, and exact functors preserve images.
So, for your second question, the "criterion" proves this equivalent formulation of faithfulness.