Let $p, q \in \mathbb{R}^n$ such that $\|p\| = \|q\| = 1$ and define $$A = pq^T + qp^T$$ Find the null space of $A$.
I am not having very much luck. I have managed to show that $p + q$ and $p - q$ are eigenvectors, but I can't seem to connect those two. I know that since $A$ is generated by an outer product, it is of rank one. That implies that the rank of the null space is $n - 1$, but I can't seem to get any further. Can anyone help?
First notice that any vector $w$ orthogonal to both $p$ and $q$ is the null space of $A$, since $$Aw=p(q^Tw)+q(p^Tw)=0.$$ Thus the null space has dimension at least $n-2$. Since the eigenvectors $p\pm q$ correspond to eigenvalue $p^Tq\pm 1$, at least one of the two eigenvalues is non-zero, so the nullspace has dimension at most $n-1$.
Now we have two cases to cover :
In both case, the null space is the orthogonal complement of $\langle p,q\rangle$ because one is included in the other and their dimensions agree.
You can even see the result more easily, without even considering eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The first equation shows that $\langle p,q\rangle^{\perp}\subset Ker A$. For the reverse inclusion, just notice that if $p,q$ are linearly independant then $$0=Aw=pq^Tw+qp^Tw\Rightarrow q^T w =0=p^Tw,$$and if they aren't then the dimensions agree (as explained above); or you can notice that $p=\pm q$ and thus $A=\pm 2 qq^T$, and thus $$0=Aw=\pm 2qq^Tw\Rightarrow q^Tw=0.$$