Please formalize these word definitions about surreal numbers into the language of ZFC/FOL (no classes if possible).
Definition 1. A surreal number is a pair of sets of previously created surreal numbers. The sets are known as the “left set” and the “right set”. No member of the right set may be less than or equal to any member of the left set.
Definition 2. A surreal number x is less than or equal to a surreal number y if and only if y is less than or equal to no member of x’s left set, and no member of y’s right set is less than or equal to x.
Source here (p. 6-7)
The standard way of formalizing notions by recursion is by introducing a rank. We then talk, for $\alpha$ an ordinal, of "surreals of rank at most $\alpha$", and define an ordering (that also depends on $\alpha$) among them. In terms of this notion, a surreal is, by definition, "a surreal of rank at most $\alpha$ for some ordinal $\alpha$". Also, we say that something is "a surreal of rank smaller than $\beta$" if and only if it is a surreal of rank at most $\alpha$ for some $\alpha<\beta$, and that it is "a surreal of rank $\alpha$" if and only if it is a surreal of rank at most $\alpha$ but not one of rank smaller than $\alpha$.
Specifically, we would say that a surreal number of rank at most $\alpha$ is a pair of sets of surreal numbers of rank smaller than $\alpha$. "Pair" here means ordered pair, but instead of the usual notation $(L,R)$, the book writes this as $\{L\mid R\}$. Note that if $\alpha\le\beta$, any surreal of rank at most $\alpha$ is also a surreal of rank at most $\beta$.
We define $x\le_\alpha y$, for $x=\{L_x\mid R_x\}$ and $y=\{L_y\mid R_y\}$ surreal numbers of rank at most $\alpha$, if and only if there is no $\beta<\alpha$ and $z\in L_x$ of rank at most $\beta$ such that $y\le_\beta z$, and there is no $\gamma<\alpha$ and $w\in R_y$ of rank at most $\gamma$ such that $w\le_\gamma x$. One checks the compatibility requirement that if $\alpha\le\delta$ and $x,y$ are surreals of rank at most $\alpha$, then $x\le_\alpha y$ if and only if $x\le_\delta y$. So, for $x,y$ surreals, we say that $x\le y$ if and only if $x\le_\alpha y$ for some $\alpha$, and the compatibility requirement ensures that this definition is independent of $\alpha$, that is, it either fails for all $\alpha$, or it holds from some $\alpha$ on.
This sort of definition may look somewhat technical the first time it is encountered, but I want to emphasize that it is really standard. Well-foundedness and ranks pervade just about every aspect of set theory. To mention a reference: Kunen's book on set theory treats recursion carefully and has several examples of definitions of this sort.