Consider the system of polynomial equations:
$$f_1=x^2+y^2-1=0$$ $$f_2=(x+y)(x-y)(2x-y)=0$$ Obviously there are 6 real solutions, which are the intersecting points of the lines $y=x, y=-x,$ and $y=2x$ with the circle of radius one.
The reduced Groebner basis for the Ideal $$V(I)=\langle f_1,f_2 \rangle$$ with respect to lexicographic ordering is though: $$\{x^2+y^2-1,4xy^2-2x-2y^3+y,10y^4-13y^2+4\}$$ Now if if look at the leading terms of the three members of the basis, we see the "pure" monomials $x^2$ and $y^4$ and according to for example Bernd Sturmfels in "What is a groebner Basis?", there should be 2*4=8 complex zeros, if we count them with multiplicity. Where are the last 2 zeros? Are they complex? Are they multiple zeros?
I would also greatly appreciate a good reference on the topic multiplicity of zeros in the multivariate case.
2025-01-13 02:29:40.1736735380
Groebner Basis Question: Where are the other two zeros hiding?
165 Views Asked by Elster At
You shouldn't look at the pure monomials, but at all the initial monomials. When you only look at the pure monomials and compute $2*4 = 8$ it's really like deciding that $4xy^2-2x-2y^3$ is unimportant and that you can remove it.
If I am reading the same thing (, they say that there is an isomorphism of $K$-vector spaces $K[x,y]/(I) \to K[x,y]/in(I)$.
Now since you have a Grobner basis $(g_1,g_2,g_3)$ for $I$, $in(I) = (in(g_i)) = (x^2,xy^2,y^4)$. $K[x,y]/in(I)$ turns out to have dimension $6$ (so the variety is $0$-dimensional, and the number of points is $6$) and a basis is what they call the standard monomials, $\{1,x,y,xy,y^2,y^3\}$. If you remove $xy^2$ you do get an $8$-dimensional space.
In fact the initial monomials of the elements in the Grobner basis tell you clearly how the points are sorted when you look at their $y$-coordinate then at their $x$-coordinate.
The polynomial in $y$ of degree $4$ tells you that there are $4$ different possible values for $y$.
The polynomial starting with $x(2y^2-1)$ telss you that unless $2y^2-1=0$ then $x$ can only have a single value. Of course $(2y^2-1)$ divides the polynomial of degree $4$ in $y$ (said another way, it says $x=h(y)$ for some rational fraction $h$ that has $2$ poles among the roots of the polynomial in $y$), or else this wouldn't be a Grobner basis, so for $4-2 = 2$ values of those values of $y$ there is a single possible value for $x$.
The polynomial starting with $x^2$ tells you that for any $y$ there is at most two possible values of $x$.
So you have in total $1+1+2+2 = 6$ points (counted with multiplicity).
Try doing a change of variables and express things in terms of $(x,z=y+2x)$, look at the Grobner basis in this new point of view and you should get an initial ideal $(x,z^6)$ saying there are $6$ possible $z$ values and only $1$ $x$-value for all of the $z$-values.