A variation of Buchberger algorithm

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Let $I$ be an ideal of a polynomial ring $R$. Fix a monomial order. Denote the $S$-polynomial of $f, g\in R$ by $S(f, g)$ and denote the gcd of their leading terms by $T(f, g)$.

Consider the following variation of the Buchberger algorithm

  • Input: A set of polynomials $F$ that generates the ideal $I$
  • Output: A Gröbner basis $G$ for $I$

    1. $G :=F$
    2. For every $f_i$, $f_j$ in $G$, if $T(f_i, f_j)\neq 1$, add $S(f_i, f_j)$ to $G$.
    3. Repeat 2. until for every $f_i, f_j$ in $G$ we have $T(f_i, f_j)=1$ or $S(f_i, f_j)\in G$.

It can be shown (using a variant of Buchberger criterion) that if this algorithm terminates then $G$ is a Gröbner basis for $I$.

My question is: is it true that the algorithm always terminates?


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The answer is no. (Even if $F$ is already a Gröbner basis, the algorithm does not terminate.)

Consider the lexicographic order ($x > y$) and the polynomials $$f= x^2 - y^2, \quad g_1= xy - y^2$$

The set $F=\{f,g_0\}$ is a Gröbner basis. Applying the algorithm inductively to $g_i= xy^{i+1}-y^{i+2}$ and $f$ gives:

$$T(g_0,f) = \gcd(x^2,xy) = x \neq 1 \implies \textrm{add new polynomial: } g_1 = S(g_0,f) =xy^2 - y^3 $$ $$T(g_2,f) = \gcd(x^2,xy^2) = x \neq 1 \implies \textrm{add new polynomial: } g_2 = S(g_1,f) =xy^3 - y^4 $$ $$\vdots$$

This does not terminate.