Unary predicate for finite number of values

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I am working with automated prover. I am creating a theory, where an unary predicate PR should be true just for several constants, false otherwise. I made following axioms:


I want to define it such that I can prove not(PR(T)) for every term T different from const1 ... constK. It can not be proven from the axioms above. How should I define PR?

I also tried to add the axiom below, still does not help.

forall x  (  PR(x)  ->   x = const1  V  ...  V  x = constK  ).

To make it more clear, I need to define PR in a way, such that adding a new axiom PR(C) with a new constant would make my theory inconsistent. Adding PR(C) now just adds a new consistent axiom. I know I can add an axiom not(PR(C)) for each constant C, but there are too many constants in my theory.


There are 1 best solutions below


There's no way to do this without all other constants appearing in some axiom. For a constant that doesn't appear in an axiom, there's nothing to keep it from being equal to one of the constants for which $PR$ is true. So you'll need something like $\neg PR(c)$ or $c\ne\text{const1}\land c\ne\text{const2}\land\ldots$ for every other constant $c$. Even if you come up with something that you prefer to $\neg PR(c)$, it'll have to mention each other constant at least once.