How can you show that 2 (adjacency) matrices are isomorphic?

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Would you do it by showing that elementary matrix operations can be used to get from one matrix to the other? If not, how would you show that 2 adjacency matrices are isomorphic?


There are 1 best solutions below


Adjacency matrices $A$ and $B$ are isomorphic graphs iff there exists a permutation matrix $S$ such that $A = SBS^{-1}$. This doesn't necessarily help you decide if the two are isomorphic, since you still would have to check all $n!$ permutations. However, it gives lots of easy ways to detect when $A$ and $B$ are not isomorphic, because this implies that they are similar by a unitary matrix. For example:

  • If $\det A \ne \det B$ then they are not isomorphic.

  • If $\text{Tr } A^m \ne \text{Tr } B^m$ then they are not isomorphic.

  • Any other property that depends only on $A, B$ being linear maps on an inner product space of dimension $n$, and not on the specific orthonormal basis chosen.

Computationally speaking, deciding when two adjacency matrix are isomorphic is equivalent to showing two graphs are isomorphic, and is a famous problem since it is not known to be either in $P$ or be $NP$-complete. However, there is currently a potential breakthrough showing that it can be solved in "quasipolynomial time", that is to say, in time equal to $2^{P(\log n)}$ where $P$ is a polynomial.