Are two non isomorphic graphs with the same spectrum of adjacency matrix possible?
2025-01-13 06:04:39.1736748279
Non isomorphic graph and spectrum of a adjacency matrix
129 Views Asked by Filip Kowalski At
There are 2 best solutions below
It is very likely possible. They called that kind of graph "isospectral" or "cospectral".
Check the Table1 in the following paper.
It says there are total 274668 non-isomorphic graphs that have 9 vertices. But 51039 of them have the same eigenvalues according to Adjacency. Btw, if you use normalized laplacian instead of Adjacency, there are fewer (just 1092 pairs) cospectral graphs.
The complete bipartite graph $K_{1,4}$ and the disjoint union of the cycle $C_4$ are the smallest pair of examples.