I am really confused by this concept of isomorphism, it seems to be a new name for something that is already well understood. Every time I look up the definition for isomorphism, the definition changes. In other fields, they are called homomorphism, which confuses with homeomorphism (let's not get into that). They are of course equivalent, but the argument is quite subtle.
Acccording the following reliable source (Naylor and Sell):
Given linear spaces $X, Y$ over $ \mathbb{F}$$, T: X \to Y$ is an isomorphism iff (i) $T$ is $1-1$, (ii) $T$ is onto, (iii) $T$ is linear, (iv) $T^{-1}$ is linear
Ok, nice and simple! Computationally tractable. Something you would use on your exams to check if $T$ is an isomorphism.
But when you look at the other discussions on Math.SE, there seems to be a multi-panel debate as to what an isomorphism even is.
For example: What's the difference between a bijection and an isomorphism?
First answer: "As another example, if the sets are vector spaces, then an isomorphism is a bijection that preserves vector addition and scalar multiplication."
Or here: What's the difference between a bijection and an isomorphism?
"The answer is "vice versa." An isomorphism is a structure-preserving bijection. The specific meaning of "structure" will vary, depending on the context."
Where are people getting their definition from? At no point in definition given above was anything said about "preservation of vector addition and scalar multiplication". Why is that so?
What does it mean for $T$ to be linear?
It precisely means given $u$ and $v$ in $X$ and $\alpha \in \Bbb F$,
So the definition you listed does state that $T$ must preserve vector addition and scalar multiplication, but it does so concisely by saying "$T$ is linear".