I was surprised as to how no sources online really took this particular monomorphism for an example while it seemed very common.
My thoughts are that it is only the identity map that exists, so $1$.
I am essentially mapping $p \in \mathbb{Q}$ to $a+bi \in \mathbb{C}$. But for it to be a monomorphism, I need $\phi(1)=1$(right?). Then I first have the map $\phi(p)=p+0i=p$
Now if I try to come up with a different monomorphism, namely a non-identity map, so if I have any $t \in \mathbb{Q}$, $t=\frac{p}{q}$ then $\phi'(t=\frac{p}{q})=\frac{\phi'(p)}{\phi'(q)}$. But even for this map, I must have the rule $\phi'(1)=1$. Then, $\phi'(p)=\phi'(1+...+1)=p\phi'(1)=p$ and in a similar manner we end up $\phi'$ mapping it to the same element in $\mathbb{C}$.
So $\phi'$ also becomes the identity element no matter what.
Am I right? If not, can someone tell me why and how to fix it please.
This should be observed from somewhat more general angle which is very important.
First of all, $\mathbb Z$ is very special (unital) ring:
This is easy to prove: for any $f\colon\mathbb Z\to R$, we have $f(n) = nf(1) = n\cdot 1_R$.
Secondly, $\mathbb Q$ is again a special field - it is field of fractions of the ring $\mathbb Z$. Now, fields of fractions are characterized by universal property:
That is, any inclusion of $R$ in some field factors through $\operatorname{Frac}(R)$, or, $\operatorname{Frac}(R)$ is the smallest field that contains $R$.
How do we show this for $\mathbb Z$ and $\mathbb Q$?
Let $f\colon \mathbb Z\to K$ be monomorphism. Define $\bar f\colon \mathbb Q\to K$ as follows: $\bar f(\frac m n) = f(m)f(n)^{-1}$. It's easy to see that this is well defined if we note that $$\bar f\left(\frac{mk}{nk}\right) = f(mk)f(nk)^{-1} = f(m)f(k)f(k)^{-1}f(n)^{-1} = f(m)f(n)^{-1} = \bar f\left(\frac m n\right)$$ Also, let $g\colon \operatorname{Frac}(R)\to K$ such that $g\circ i = f$. Then, we have $$1_K = g(1) = g\left(n\cdot\frac 1 n\right) = g(n)g\left(\frac 1 n\right)\implies g\left(\frac 1 n\right) = g(n)^{-1}$$ $$g\left(\frac m n\right) = g\left(m\cdot\frac 1 n\right) = g(m)g\left(\frac 1 n\right) = g(m)g(n)^{-1} = f(m)f(n)^{-1} = \bar f\left(\frac m n\right)$$ This shows uniqueness of $\bar f$.
So, after this long introduction, the answer is, as you say, only one ring homomorphism from $\mathbb Q$ to $\mathbb C$:
Let $f\colon\mathbb Q\to\mathbb C$. Then, $f(1) = 1$ and consequently $f(n) = n$, for all $n\in\mathbb Z$. Thus, $f$ extends (unique) inclusion of $\mathbb Z$ in $\mathbb C$, and thus is unique ring homomorphism from $\mathbb Q$ to $\mathbb C$, by $\mathbb Q$ being field of fractions of $\mathbb Z$.