any hints would be greatly appreciated to help me prove the following:
If $K/k$ is a finite Galois extension with a galois abelian group, and $ L/k$ any field extension then $KL/L$ is a finite galois extension with an abelian group.
So far I have proved that $KL/L$ is finite, and attempted to prove that its a separable and normal extension by trying show that $L$ is the fixed field of $Aut(KL/L)$ but failed, $L\subset L^{Aut(KL/L)}$ was trivial i and tried doing the other side by contradiction but got nowhere.
i had also previously briefly considered trying to show that $KL$ is the splitting field of a separable polynomial in $L[x]$ but disregarded that ianidea immediately since i don't think its even possible to think of an explicit polynomial.
Assume $K$ is the splitting field of $f(X) \in k[X]$. Then $LK$ is the splitting field of $f(X)$ regarded as an element of $L[X]$.