This is basically a two part question, as the title indicates. I understand why unrestricted comprehension will produce paradoxes like the Russell set, but I'm less clear on the question how the axiom of separation (or specification) solves this issue (and even whether it is able to solve it). Is the point that any set B defined in terms of having exactly those sets as members that are not members of themselves can never itself be a member of some arbitrary set A? In that case does this simply show that the Russell set is necessarily excluded from the things that one can meaningfully say about sets?
Any help on any aspect of this question would be appreciated!
See Russell's Paradox :
Consider a set $z$, we can still form the set $R = \{ x \in z : x \notin x \}$;
This only implies that :
Thus :
It can be worth to note that the "non-existence" of the Russell's set $R$ can be proved by logic alone :
1) $\exists y \forall x(A(x,y) \iff \lnot A(x,x))$ --- assumed [a]
2) $\forall x(A(x,c) \iff \lnot A(x,x))$ --- with $c$ a new constant
3) $A(c,c) \iff \lnot A(c,c)$ --- by instantiation.
The last line gives us a contradiction, because : $\vdash A(c,c) \iff A(c,c)$; thus, we conclude with :
discharging the assumption [a].
Now, if we apply (*) to the language of set theory with the binary predicate $\in$ in place of $A$, we get :