Given an undirected graph $G = (V,E)$, let $\bf A$ and $\cal L_{\bf A}$ denote its adjacency matrix and its Laplacian matrix, respectively. $\cal L_{\bf A}(i,i)$ is the degree of vertex ${{\bf{v}}_i}$, and $\mathcal L_{\bf A}(i,j) = -1$ if vertices ${{\bf{v}}_i}$ and ${{\bf{v}}_j}$ are connected.
I know the Laplacian matrix is exactly the discrete Laplace operator. Given a function $\phi : V \to \Bbb R$, and supposing that $\bf A$ is indexed by $\bf v$, i.e., $\bf A$$(i,j) = 1$ iff vertices ${{\bf{v}}_i}$ and ${{\bf{v}}_j}$ are connected, then
$$\Delta \phi=\cal L_{\bf A}{\phi(\bf v)}$$
What I need to know is the meaning of the inverse (or pseudoinverse if it is not invertible) of the Laplacian. Is there any meaningful interpretation of the inverse Laplacian? Is there any concrete meaning for $\mathcal L^{-1}_{\bf A}(i,j)$?
One answer is in terms of the commute time distance. Let $C_{ij}$ denote the expected length of a random walk on the graph starting at node $i$, passing through node $j$, then returning to node $i$. Let $P$ denote the orthogonal projection against the constant vector. Let $L$ denote the graph Laplacian.
Then $L^\dagger \propto PCP$.
Because $L^\dagger$ is positive semi-definite and $L^\dagger \mathbf 1 = \mathbf 0$, this makes $C$ a Euclidean distance matrix, and we may compute the entries using $$ C_{ij} \propto (L^\dagger)_{ii} + (L^\dagger)_{jj} - 2 (L^\dagger)_{ij} ~~.$$ (The proportionality constant is the sum over all node degrees)
The Euclidean coordinates obtained from $C$ provide one "spectral" embedding of the graph, sometimes similar but distinct from the typical one using eigenvectors of the Laplacian. Von Luxburg talks about this in her tutorial on spectral clustering.