Minimum board size for knights tour to be possible

569 Views Asked by At

What is the minimum board size for a knight's tour: open or closed, to be possible.

Edit: I want to write a program that can solve knight's tour for any board size. I want to implement a lower limit so that the program doesn't get stuck.

I also want to know if it is knight's tour is possible on unequal indexes i.e 7x8, 9x7

Added by Alex Ravsky. I think the question concerns a well-known (its history has more than a thousand years) and respected problem. The existence question is investigated and completely answered. So I vote to undelete and reopen this question and then to make it answered.


There are 1 best solutions below


The smallest rectangular board with open knight tours is the 12-cell 3 by 4 (three geometrically distinct found by Euler 1759). The smallest rectangular boards with closed knight tours are the 30-cell boards 3 by 10 (the first found by Ernest Bergholt 1918) and 5 by 6 (three solutions, one asymmetric found by Euler 1759, and two symmetric found by others later). See my 'Knight's Tour Notes' web-pages for complete diagrams.