I was reading about magic squares and suppose that we speak here only of the magic squares that have in itself numbers from $1$ to $n^2$.
It is easy to see that we cannot have $2$x$2$ magic square because we cannot arrange numbers $1,2,3,4$ in such a square so that the sum of numbers in every row, column and diagonals is the same number.
But the natural questions that comes is:
Is it true (if it is proven, can someone point me to some references?) that for every $n \in \mathbb N \setminus \{2\}$ there exists at least one $n$x$n$ magic square?
Sierpinski in his classical book, Elementary Number theory, explains :
referring to an article (in german) by Bieberbach (1954).
Moreover, Sierpinski claims to present a proof due to Makowski but the proof seems to depend on a conjecture (the so-called Schinzel conjecture or conjecture H in his book, cf. page 133).