I've been looking for some well-written proof on the KAM Theorem that has all the details and ideas (and if it's not to much that is in some sense elementary).
Does anyone happen to know any good and complete reference?
I've been looking for some well-written proof on the KAM Theorem that has all the details and ideas (and if it's not to much that is in some sense elementary).
Does anyone happen to know any good and complete reference?
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I must admit, I have not studied it in detail, but I would suggest the following outline by Pöschel
He is usually very clear and detailed. In case you did not have the classical KAM theorem in mind, Pöschel has also a book together with Kappeler called "KdV & KAM" where they show a KAM theorem for the KdV equation.
In case you like to read some stories and history on KAM, I recommend you to read "The KAM story. A friendly introduction to content, significance and history of Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theory" by Dumas.