Let $f: V \to W$ be linear and $V, W$ be vector spaces of finite dimension. I want to show that the cokernel, defined by $\operatorname{coker}(f^*) := V^* / \operatorname{im}(f^*)$, is isomorphic to $(\ker f)^*$.
I already tried to use the rank and nullity theorem
$$\dim \operatorname{coker} f^* = \dim V^* - \dim \operatorname{im}f^* \iff \dim V^* = \dim \operatorname{coker} f^*+\dim \operatorname{im}f^*$$
and maybe one could show $\dim \operatorname{im} f^* = \dim \operatorname{im}f$ and thus
$$\dim \operatorname{coker} f^* = \dim \ker f = \dim (\ker f)^*.$$ But how can I prove that the dimensions of the images of $f$ and $f^*$ and the dimensions of $\ker f$ and $(\ker f)^*$ are equal? Is this anyway the right way to prove it?
Try to take a look at the restriction map $V^*\to (\operatorname{ker} f)^*$, and show that it factors to a map $\operatorname{coker}(f^*)\to (\operatorname{ker} f)^*$.
Then you can use dimension arguments to show that it is an isomorphism.