It is a well-known fact that
$$\sum_{0\neq n\in\mathbb{Z}} \frac{1}{n^k} = r_k (2\pi)^k$$
for any integer $k>1$, where $r_k$ are rational numbers which can be given explicitly in terms of Bernoulli numbers. For example, for $k=2$ the sum equals $\pi^2/3$ (this is essentially the Basel problem), and for $k=4$ it equals $\pi^4/45$. Note that for odd $k$ the sum vanishes.
The theory of elliptic curves with complex multiplication allows us to extend this result to systems of complex integers such as the Gaussian integers, or more generally the ring of integers in an imaginary quadratic number field of class number 1. Namely, for $k>2$ we have
$$\sum_{0\neq \lambda\in\mathbb{Z[\omega]}} \frac{1}{\lambda^k} = r_k \varpi^k,$$
where again $r_k$ are rational constants and $\varpi \in \mathbb{R}$ (the "complex $2\pi$") depends only on the ring $\mathcal{O}=\mathbb{Z[\omega]}$ and is an algebraic multiple of a so-called Chowla–Selberg period, given by a product of powers of certain gamma factors (note that the sum is always a real number since it is invariant under conjugation). For example, for the Eisenstein ($\omega = (1+\sqrt{3} i)/2$), Gaussian ($\omega = i$) and Kleinian ($\omega = (1+\sqrt{7} i)/2$) integers, we have respectively
$$\varpi_3 = 3^{-1/4} \sqrt{2\pi} \left(\frac{\Gamma(1/3)}{\Gamma(2/3)}\right)^{3/2}, \quad \varpi_4 = 4^{-1/4} \sqrt{2\pi} \left(\frac{\Gamma(1/4)}{\Gamma(3/4)}\right), \quad \varpi_7 = 7^{-1/4} \sqrt{2\pi} \left(\frac{\Gamma(1/7)\Gamma(2/7)\Gamma(4/7)}{\Gamma(3/7)\Gamma(5/7)\Gamma(6/7)}\right)^{1/2}.$$
For higher class numbers there is a similar formula, though in that case $r_k$ will in general not be rational but algebraic. A nice exposition of this result can be found in Section 6.3 of these notes.
My question is whether this is still true for hypercomplex number systems, such as the Hurwitz integers or the octonionic integers. Define $$S_k[\mathcal{O}] = \sum_{0\neq \lambda\in\mathcal{O}} \frac{1}{\lambda^k}$$ for $k>\operatorname{dim} \mathcal{O}$, where $\mathcal{O}$ is now an order in a totally definite rational quaternion/octonion algebra of class number 1. The restriction on $k$ is so that the sum converges absolutely.
Subquestion 1: Do we have $S_k[\mathcal{O}] = r_k \varpi^k$ for some rational sequence $r_k$ and some real number $\varpi$ depending only on $\mathcal{O}$ (a "quaternionic/octonionic $2\pi$")?
Obviously $\varpi$ will only be defined up to a nonzero rational factor. An equivalent question is whether $(S_m[\mathcal{O}])^n/(S_n[\mathcal{O}])^m$ is rational for any $m, n$ such that $S_n[\mathcal{O}]\neq 0$.
Subquestion 2: If so, can (some fixed choice of) $\varpi$ be expressed in terms of known constants such as $\zeta'(-1)$ or $\zeta'(-3)$?
The reason I'm mentioning these particular constants is that in the previous cases (real and complex) the period $\varpi$ turns out to be equal to $e^{-\zeta'(\mathcal{O},0)/\zeta(\mathcal{O},0)}$ up to an algebraic factor, where the zeta function attached to the ring of integers $\mathcal{O}=\mathbb{Z}$ or $\mathbb{Z[\omega]}$ is defined as
$$\zeta(\mathcal{O},s) = \sum_{0\neq \lambda\in\mathcal{O}} |\lambda|^{-s}.$$
(This is in general not the same as the previous sums, note the absolute value). In the case that $\mathcal{O}$ is instead a quaternionic or octonionic order, the logarithmic derivative of this zeta function at $s=0$ can be expressed in terms of $\zeta'(-1)$ or $\zeta'(-3)$ respectively, where $\zeta(s)$ is the ordinary Riemann zeta function.
Update: I have calculated a few sums numerically for the ring of Hurwitz quaternions. The result is $$S_6[\mathcal{O}] \approx 10.76,\quad S_8[\mathcal{O}] \approx 1.196,\quad S_{12}[\mathcal{O}] \approx 23.9905.$$
Unfortunately the calculations take a lot of time, and right now the precision is not senough to determine whether e.g. $S_{12}[\mathcal{O}]/(S_6[\mathcal{O}])^2$ is rational to any degree of confidence.