Reference request: $q$-gamma, $q$-polygamma, $q$-Pochhammer.

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I'm trying to solve a problem related to a few difficult series and am using Mathematica to hammer out the difficult bits. The problem is that QPochhammer,QPolyGamma, and QGamma and I know next to nothing about them! The Wolfram MathWorld passages on them are unfriendly introductions, so I am asking for recommendations to references which introduce these functions and their properties (both by themselves and in tandem with each other.)

I am aware of some references, I am just here to find additional ones and to see if anyone would recommend any in particular.


There are 1 best solutions below


I believe I just found a good one: Basic Hypergeometric Series by George Gasper and Mizan Rahman. Introduces hypergeometric series and covers $q$-gamma, $q$-beta, and $q$-binomials within the first 50 pages.