The quotient of a Dedekind domain by a principal ideal is a principal ideal ring.

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Let $A$ be a Dedekind domain, and $a\in A-\{0\}$. I have to prove that every ideal of $A/(a)$ is principal.

This is a particular case of the exercise 9.7 in Atiyah's Introduction to Commutative Algebra, and therefore there are lots of solutions in the internet. What's the problem then? That I am not supposed to use the fact that any nonzero ideal of $A$ is a product of prime ideals or even that any ideal of $A$ admits a primary decomposition. Why? Because (if I am not wrong) I have to prove those results from the problem I am trying to solve.

The only thing I have done (and I am not even sure that it is right) is to show that $\dim A/(a)=0$, because a chain of prime ideals in $A/(a)$ $$ P_{1}\subsetneq P_{2} $$ would give, because of the correspondence theorem, a chain of prime ideals in $A$ $$ \{0\}\subsetneq Q_{1}\subsetneq Q_{2}, $$ which contradicts that $\dim A=1$. How could I continue from here?

$\textbf{Remark:}$ Could it help to know that $A/(a)$ is isomorphic as an $A$-module to $\oplus_{i=1}^{n}A/\mathfrak{p}_{i}^{r_{i}}$ for some maximal ideals $\mathfrak{p_{i}}$ of $A$?


There are 1 best solutions below


Let's assume that you know that $A/(a)$ is isomorphic as an $A$-module to $\oplus_{i=1}^{n}A/\mathfrak{p}_{i}^{r_{i}}$ for some maximal ideals $\mathfrak{p_{i}}$ of $A$.

Show that $A/\mathfrak p^r$ is a PIR by using that this is isomorphic to $A_{\mathfrak p}/\mathfrak p^rA_{\mathfrak p}$, and $A_{\mathfrak p}$ is a DVR.

Now you are done.