A specific example of transfinite induction

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I am trying to understand better how transfinite induction can be applied in different concrete problems. Here is an example that seems relevant, but I am stuck on it. Consider a couple of points $p, q \in \mathbb{R}^2$. I am trying to prove the rather obvious statement that there is an "increasing" neighborhood chain $U_\alpha$ containing $c$ many neighborhoods, ordered by strict inclusion, such that $q \in U_\alpha$, and $p \notin U_\alpha$ for all $\alpha$. Here $c$ is the cardinality of $\mathbb{R}^2$.

I have started reading ordinals and transfinite inductions, so a little help would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

Edit: As pointed out by Porton, the statement I am trying to prove does not require the transfinite induction. I wish to explicitly mention that I know that this statement is rather trivial, I am just trying to understand more about about the principle of transfinite induction and how it applies in different situations.

Further edit: As pointed out by Brian M. Scott, I was wrong in requiring a well-ordered chain. So my question now is, could I construct just a chain of $c$ many elements using transfinite induction? My main curiousity is how to make the jump at the limit ordinal using as little of the topological properties of $\mathbb{R}^2$.


There are 2 best solutions below


You appear to be trying to construct the family so that it’s not just linearly ordered by strict inclusion, but actually well-ordered: this is impossible, since $\Bbb R^2$ is second countable. To see this, let $\mathscr{B}$ be a countable base for $\Bbb R^2$, and suppose that you have open sets $U_\alpha$ for $\alpha<2^\omega$ such that $U_\alpha\subsetneqq U_\beta$ whenever $\alpha<\beta<2^\omega$. For each $\alpha<2^\omega$ there is an $x_\alpha\in U_{\alpha+1}\setminus U_\alpha$, and there is a $B_\alpha\in\mathscr{B}$ such that $x_\alpha\in B_\alpha\subseteq U_{\alpha+1}$. $\mathscr{B}$ is countable, so there are $\alpha<\beta<2^\omega$ such that $B_\alpha=B_\beta$. But then $B_\alpha\subseteq U_{\alpha+1}\subseteq U_\beta$, so $x_\beta\notin B_\alpha=B_\beta$, which is impossible.

You can get a linearly ordered family of cardinality $2^\omega$, but it won’t be well-ordered, and you don’t need transfinite recursion to construct it. Let $d=\|p-q\|$ be the distance from $p$ to $q$ in the usual metric; then $\{B(p,\epsilon):0<\epsilon<d\}$ is a family of $2^\omega$ open nbhds of $p$, none of them contains $q$, and they are linearly ordered by strict inclusion.


No need for transfinite induction to prove this statement.

Just consider the set of (open or closed dependently on your mood) discs with center $p$ and radiuses $]0; |q-p|[$.