I know that the mathematics related to finding the general formula by expressing the roots of a third (and fourth) degree polynomial by means of radicals has had an impressive impact on mathematics (complex numbers and group theory, just to say).
However: are there any useful application of these formulas? My impression is that calculus (i.e. computing derivatives, bisection methods, Sturm theorem) are more useful both for qualitative and numerical properties of such roots even if a formula is available.
I think (and hope) that this apparently innocent question will induce a lot of discussions.
As you say, the formal work done for the analytical solutions of cubic and quartic polynomials is of major importance.
Now, from a practical point of view : I am only concerned by numerical methods and I spent most of my life working with cubic equations because of thermodynamics (in oil and gas industry, most of the models are based on so- called cubic equations of state); the very first step of the calculation of any physical property is : find the root(s). One of the key issues is not to miss the roots when more than one does exist; this is crucial not to say more.
Because of limited precision on computers added to the fact that the coefficients are not rational, the analytical solution is not used. In the early 70's, I produced a technical report showing that, if using quadruple precision (which would be very expensive if compared to double precision), we could loose up to $0.1$ % of the roots. To give you an idea, in a reservoir simulation, solving the cubic is done zillions of times and one of the by-products of the simulation is the decision of exploiting or not the reservoir.
You could be interested by this paper or this one.