This is a followup to my question here.
Let $A$ be the subcomplex of a CW complex $X$, let $Y$ be a CW complex, let $f: A \to Y$ be a cellular map, and let $Y \cup_f X$ be the pushout of $f$ and the inclusion $A \to X$. Is there a formula relating the Euler characteristics $\chi(A)$, $\chi(X)$, $\chi(Y)$, and $\chi(Y \cup_f X)$ when $X$ and $Y$ are finite?
Indeed, there is. Let $Z=Y \cup_f X$ be the pushout of the diagram $X\leftarrow A\rightarrow Y$. I claim that $$\chi(Z)=\chi(X)+\chi(Y)-\chi(A).$$
To see this, let us first recall the following general fact
This is rather simple to prove and you can read about it, for example, in Hatcher's proof of Theorem 2.44.
Now consider the Mayer-Vietoris sequence corresponding to the above pushout:
$$\cdots \underbrace{H_1(Z)}_{C_3}\to \underbrace{H_0(A)}_{C_2}\to \underbrace{H_0(X)\oplus H_0(Y)}_{C_1}\to \underbrace{H_0(Z)}_{C_0}\to 0 $$
Any long exact sequence may trivially be considered a chain complex, so let's define $C_i$ as indicated above. Then since the homology of an exact chain complex vanishes, we have $\text{rank }H_n(C_*)=0$ for all $n$. Hence, we get $$\begin{eqnarray}0&=&\sum_n (-1)^n \text{rank }H_n(C_*) \\&\stackrel{\text{General fact}}{=}& \sum_n(-1)^n\text{rank }C_n \\&\stackrel{\text{Def. of }C_i}{=}&\text{rank }H_0(Z) - (\text{rank }H_0(X) +\text{rank }H_0(Y)) + \text{rank }H_0(A) -\text{rank }H_1(Z)+\cdots \\&\stackrel{\text{Euler-Poincare formula}}{=}&\chi(Z) - (\chi(X)+\chi(Y)) + \chi(A) \end{eqnarray}$$
which implies the claim.