Is there an established German word for “contiguous” in the sense of contiguous simplicial maps?
Definition. Two simplicial maps $f$ and $g$ from $\mathcal K$ to $\mathcal L$ are called contiguous, if whenever $S$ is the set of vertices of a simplex of $\mathcal K$ the set $f[S]\cup g[S]$ is the set of vertices of a simplex of $\mathcal L$.
I am teaching a class in German, and I will go with „benachbart“, if no-one knows a better word. I would look if the concept is used in Seifert and Threlfall, but I do not have it at hand.
The German term "benachbart" seems appropriate - see e.g.
(1) 15.3 in Carsten Schultz' Seiten
(2) p. 31 in Eberhard Schock.Konvergente Iterationsverfahren für flach konvexe Banachräume
For the second I am not sure if the meaning is identical to yours though.