Here's my understanding of it: Assume we have an $n\times n$ stochastic matrix $P$ that represents our Markov chain such that $x$ and $y$ are stationary distributions for $P$. Then
$P(x) = x$
$P(y) = y$
$P(ax+by) = P(ax) + P(by) = aP(x) + bP(y)$ where $ax+by$ is a convex linear combination
$ = ax + by$
meaning that $ax+by$ is a stationary distribution, so there is an infinite amount of stationary distributions of P if there are at least 2.
Does this mean a Markov chain either has one or infinitely many stationary distributions?
Yes. Let $\mu$ and $\nu$ be two distinct stationary distributions. Now choose randomly between $\mu$ and $\nu$ with probabilities $p$ and $1-p$, and whatever distribution is chosen, choose according to it an initial state. Then the distribution of the state at time $0$ is $p\mu+(1-p)\nu$. If we chose $\mu$, then our distribution at time $1$ is still $\mu$ (because $\mu$ is stationary), and if we chose $\nu$ our distribution at time $1$ is $\nu$. Therefore our distribution at time $1$ is still $p\mu+(1-p)\nu$, so $p\mu+(1-p)\nu$ is stationary. This is just a probabilistic proof of what you proved algebraically.