I'm trying to prove a simple conjecture using JAPE application. There must be some 'magic trick' in JAPE to get rid of double negation statements but I have no idea how to handle it properly. The point where it all makes sens to me is:
I have started from line 5 and then going backwards I did implication intro twice. Could anyone (who knows JAPE) tell me how to get --E to E and from --F to F so the implication E -> F holds?
After Mauro's suggestions I'm at the point were I have a contradiction but JAPE still wants smth more in it:
The 'magic trick' in the Natural Deduction proof is to use Double Negation elimination rule :
If not available, you must have a "contradiction" rules; see : Richard Bornat, Proof and Disproof in Formal Logic : An Introduction for Programmers (2005), that is a reference for Jape software, page 43 :
and :
In this case, they are not necessary :
The derivation is :
1) $E \to F$ --- premise
2) $\lnot \lnot E$ --- assumed [a]
3) $\lnot F$ --- assumed [b]
4) $E$ --- assumed [c]
5) $F$ --- from 1) and 4) by $\to$-elimination
6) $\bot$ --- from 3) and 5) by $\lnot$-elimination
7) $\lnot E$ --- from 4) and 6) by $\lnot$-intro, discharging [c]
8) $\bot$ from 2) and 7) by $\lnot$-elim
9) $\lnot \lnot F$ --- from 3) and 8) by $\lnot$-intro, discharging [b]