I'm working with a complex problem involving waveforms. Essentially I want to bend a given waveform around a circle.
At it's most basic, I want to take one curve on a linear graph and map it onto a circular graph.
I'm wondering if anyone knows what the mathematical formula is for the transformation around the circle if I know what the original curve is?
I might be thinking about the problem the wrong way, so any guidance would be appreciated. :)
A simple example like
$ y= A \sin ^{2} 2 \pi \,x/ \lambda + b $
And you want to wind it around a circle radius $r_1$
Angle at circle center $ \theta = x/r_1 $ then
$ r = r_1+ A \sin ^{2} 2 \pi r_1 \theta / \lambda + b $
So you basically substitute $ x = \theta r_1$ and add to the radius to be bent.
Next new $(X,Y):$
$ X = r \cos \theta, Y = r \sin \theta ..$