PA2 (Peano Arithmetic in 2º order logic and categoricty)

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Second order logic implies categoricity in peano arithmetic. But why are the models isomorphic to the standard model of aritmhetic and not to another non standard model, for example?


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The point is that there is a single second-order sentence which completely characterizes (up to isomorphism) the structure $(\mathbb{N}, 0, 1, <, +, \times)$. Specifically, the standard model is characterized by the property that every element has only finitely many predecessors - and we can write this in second-order logic as $$\forall n\forall F([\forall m(m<n\implies F(m)<n) \wedge \forall m_1, m_2(m_1\not=m_2\implies F(m_1)\not=F(m_2))]$$ $$\implies \forall m<n\exists k<n(F(k)=m));$$ in English, this is just saying "for every $n$, every injective function from $\{m: m<n\}$ to $\{m: m<n\}$ is surjective." This sentence, when conjoined with the finitely many non-induction axioms of Peano arithmetic, characterizes the standard model up to isomorphism.