I'm reading the Chellas book on Modal Logic and in one place he defines the proof set of a sentence relative to a system $\Sigma$, denoted $|A|_\Sigma$ to be the set of a $\Sigma$-maximal sets of sentences containing $A$. In other words
$$|A|_\Sigma = \{\max_\Sigma\Gamma: A\in \Gamma\}$$
However, elsewhere he defines a canonical model for $\Sigma$ to be a model in which every world is $\Sigma$-maximal and for each $P_i$ (the set of worlds at which atomic sentence $\mathbb{P}_i$ is true) we have $P_i=|\mathbb{P}_i|_\Sigma$.
This last part makes little sense to me, though, because $P_i$ is supposed to be a set of worlds while $|\mathbb{P}_i|_\Sigma$ is supposed to be a set of sets of sentences. I guess we could resolve this by taking worlds to themselves be sets of sentences, even though as far as I've read Chellas leaves the notion of a world un-analyzed. Anyone know how to resolve this?
Yes, we can think at a possible world as the set of atomic sentences : the set of atomic sentences true in it.
If you are more "accustomed" to approach propositional logic in term of valuations, you have to consider that each valuation $v$ partition the set of atomic sentences into two disjoint sets: the set $\{ \mathbb{P}_i : v(\mathbb{P}_i)= \text {TRUE} \}$ and the set $\{ \mathbb{P}_i : v(\mathbb{P}_i)= \text {FALSE} \}$.
But, by bivalence, we can simply assume the first one : we will call it "a possible world".
See page 4 :
The formal definition of "$A$ is true at $\alpha$ in $\mathcal M$" is in page 5 :
$$\vDash^{\mathcal M}_{\alpha} \mathbb{P}_n \ \text{ iff } \ \alpha \in P_n$$
$$\vDash^{\mathcal M}_{\alpha} \top$$
Consider the second case : it can be "read" as $\top \notin \alpha$, for any $\alpha$.
Maximality is a property of sets of sentences [page 53] and the proof set of a sentence $A$ is the set of $Sigma$-maximal sets of sentences containing $A$.
See pages 60 :
As you can see, in this case it is stated explicitly that a world is a set of sentences.