I have a question and a possible solution. Please let me know if I'm wrong:
Let $A,B$ be a complex matrices $n \times n$. Prove that if there is some polynomial $q(t)$ such that $q(A)=0$ and $q(B)\ne0$, than $A$ and $B$ are not similar matrices.
Possible Solution
From the Cayley Hamilton theorem we know that the minimal polynomial of a matrix divides every polynomial in which $q(A)=0$.
From the above we know that $A$'s minimal polynomial divides $q(A)$, and $B$'s minimal polynomial does not divide $q(B)$.
Therefore, $A,B$ do not have the same minimal polynomial and they are not similar.
Am I correct? If I'm not, please do not hesitate to give an alternative solution.
That's because if $A$ and $B$ are similar then $B = P^{-1}AP$ which means that $B^n = P^{-1}A^nP$ for natural numbers $n$ (even if $n=0$) this in turn means that $q(B) = P^{-1}q(A)P$. So if $q(A)=0$ then so is $q(B)$.