The book Russian for Mathematicians by Glazunova has a very useful section with examples of how formulas are read in Russian. (Most mathematical dictionaries don't seem to have this, as I suppose they expect you to read formulas in your own language.) Here are a few examples:
- $a \not\in A$, а малое не принадлежит а большому. ("Little a does not belong to big a.")
- $\int_a^b f(x) \, dx$, интеграл от а до бэ эф от икс дэ икс. ("The integral from a to bee of eff of ex dee ex.")
- $V \oplus W$, прямая сумма вэ и дубль вэ. ("The direct sum of vee and double-u.")
Unfortunately, the list is relatively short and limited to simple expressions, and I'd like something more extensive. Here are my questions.
Does anybody know of other similar lists for Russian? The most likely source would be a bilingual mathematical dictionary between Russian and another language.
What about something like this for German?
Also, out of curiosity, do Russians tend to use the French names of Latin letters in contexts other than mathematics? My impression is that in internet addresses, English names are used, but how would a Russian read a foreign postal code with Latin letters in it? (I would be happy to remove this part of my question if there are objections.)