I am reading a paper by Carlsson on Topological pattern recognition for point cloud data. I was having a little trouble understanding the formal definition of an equivalence relation and equivalence class in relation to persistent homology. Could someone please clarify the definition below. I have my own interpretation, listed below, but please correct me if I am wrong.
A (binary) relation on a set $X$ is a subset of $X × X$. We will often denote relations by $\sim$, and write $x ∼ x$ to indicate that $(x, x)$ is in the relation.
Definition 2.1. A relation ∼ on a set X is an equivalence relation if the following three conditions hold:
- $x ∼ x$ for all $x \in X$,
- $x ∼ x'$ if and only if $x' ∼ x$,
- $x ∼ x'$ and $x' ∼ x''$ implies $x ∼ x''$
By the equivalence class of $x \in X$, denoted by $[x]$, we will mean the set $$\{x \mid x ∼ x \}$$
So as I interpret it, $\forall x \in X$, then $X \times X := \{(x,x)| x \in X\}$. If we denote $A = \{(x,x)| x \in X\}$, then there exists an equivalence relation between $x_1 \sim x_2$ if
- both $ x_1, x_2 \in X$
- $(x_1, x_2) \in A$
- $(x_2, x_1) \in A$
- if $(x_1, x_2) \in A$ and $(x_2, x3) \in A$, then $(x_1, x_3) \in A$.
I think this is the right interpretation, but just wanted to make sure I was on the right track.
A binary relation $R$ is a subset of $X \times Y$, often written $xRy$ if $(x,y) \in R $. You can generally identify a binary relation with its graph. For example, a relation you know a lot about is $x \le y$. You would graph everything below the 45 degree line in $\mathbb{R}^2$ to represent it.
If $x Ry$ or $yRx$ or both for all $(x,y) \in X \times Y$, $R$ is complete or total. If whenever $xRy$ and $yRz$ then $xRz$, then $R$ is transitive. A relation $R$ is reflexive if $xRx$ whenever $X=Y$; so $5 \ge 5$ is true but $5 >5$ is false, and $\ge$ is reflexive but $>$ is not. For example, all real numbers are completely ordered by $\ge$; in $\mathbb{R}^N$, vectors are partially ordered if $x_i \ge y_i$ for each $i$ or vice versa, and unordered otherwise. A reflexive, transitive relation $R$ is a preorder. So this kind of $R$ is about comparing objects and determining which one is "larger".
A relation $R$ is symmetric if $xRy$ iff $yRx$. This is where the idea of the equivalence relation comes into play. Where reflexive and transitive allows for relations like $x \ge y$, symmetry requires $xRy$ and $yRx$ whenever one is true. So $x \ge y$ is a preorder, but $x=y$ is an equivalence relation; every preorder can be broken into a symmetric equivalence relation $=$ and an anti-symmetric/irreflexive strict relation $>$. Often, a set of unique class representative $x$ are selected, and their equivalence classes denoted $[x]$. For example, if you fix a vector $x$ and a constant $c$, the set of all affine hyperplanes $a'x + c$ can be broken into equivalence classes by $a$: essentially, all the parallel hyperplanes that go through the origin the same way when $c$ is ignored. Or, functions that are almost everywhere/almost surely equal. Instead of ordering elements, $R$ is breaking $X \times X$ into classes of objects that are, from some perspective, equivalent.