When a regular polyhedron is made to undergo repeated truncations, is there a solid that acts as a kind of limit for this iterated process? That is, say a cube is truncated N times. As N gets larger and larger, is there a shape that is tended toward but never reached? Does the cube just shrink to a point? A sphere?
2025-03-07 03:02:57.1741316577
The limit of infinite truncations?
147 Views Asked by MichCon https://math.techqa.club/user/michcon/detail At
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Strictly speaking, one need to specify precisely how the truncation is carried out in each iteration before we can have any form of definite answer.
Without further information, I will assume by truncation, you are referring to a complete truncation/rectification. For concreteness, we adopt following truncation procedure.
Start from a unit cube, if we repeat truncate it, following is what we will get:
This is the result for first six iterations. They are drawn in scale and in the order from left to right, then top to bottom. Following is some numerical information about them (up to $8^{th}$ iteration):
$$\begin{array}{|r|rrr|ll|} \hline \#\text{iter} & V & E & F & \verb/Area/ & \verb/Volume/\\ \hline 1 & 12 & 24 & 14 & 4.73205080756888 & 0.833333333333333 \\ 2 & 24 & 48 & 26 & 4.05433304545186 & 0.708333333333333 \\ 3 & 48 & 96 & 50 & 3.78451479182779 & 0.661458333333333 \\ 4 & 96 & 192 & 98 & 3.66401838854418 & 0.639973958333333 \\ 5 & 192 & 432 & 242 & 3.60670601543203 & 0.630696614583333 \\ 6 & 432 & 1008 & 578 & 3.57853041917916 & 0.625325520833333 \\ 7 & 1008 & 2352 & 1346 & 3.56581924420161 & 0.623093922932943 \\ 8 & 2352 & 5424 & 3074 & 3.56017305789999 & 0.622058709462482 \\ \hline \end{array}$$
As one can see,
I hope this numerical observations will help someone to construct a more concrete answer.