I am a little confused about gödel numbers and what numbers exactly we are manipulating.
are the numbers "real" natural numbers (than we obviously represent as) 1, 2, ... or are we always dealing with numbers in the "format" "succ( ... succ(0) ... )" ?
Like are we manipulating genuine natural numbers or their representation in the system at hand ?
I don't have a mathematical background, i'm just a curious guy so it may be a silly question, i feel like their is a difference between "real" numbers, whatever they may be, and their representation, and i'm getting confused about what is manipulated, using what system, etc.
I heard about models and stuff but i may be mixing up everything.
for example, for the 45-th primitive recursive function : "provable(x)", or " "Bew(x)", is x a real natural number of a number in the "format" "succ( ... succ(0) ... )" ?
"R(x) ≡ 2x" and "(n+1) N x" makes me believe we are using natural numbers "outside" of the system introduced by Gödel, but we could be working with numbers encoded in the system : "succ( ... (succ(0) ... )". i feel like for some reason we shouldn't work outside of the system.
Am i wrong ? Does that make any difference ?
(Collecting my comments into one answer.)
You're right to sweat the details on this: The entire proof is about the boundary between what can be said in a formal system, what can be proved in it, and the outside world (of abstract entities) which it attempts to characterize. So it's essential to maintain clarity about these things, and draw a sharp distinction between strings in the formal system and what they denote or evaluate to.
Within the formal system, the things that get substituted into a formula such as $Bew(w)$ are numerals, and not integers (actual numbers). They're representations of integers within the formal system, terms/expressions which denote integers. A Godel numbering is a particular way of assigning numbers to terms and formulas of a particular formal system, provided the system contains enough arithmetic to make that possible. The integer assigned to a formula is its Godel number. See the answer by @Mauro ALLEGRANZA for a little more detail, and in particular the link he provides re arithmetization of syntax, the key notion.
Finally, a note on terminology: "integers" rather than "real numbers". In math "the real numbers" denotes that set of numbers, $\mathbb{R}$, generally taken together with additional structure (addition, multiplication, and the usual "<" relation). The real numbers include the integers, all rationals such as $\frac 2 3, \frac {513} {153}, - \frac 5 7$ etc., as well as irrationals like $\pi$.