I am reading a translation of gödel's original, and i'm a bit confused about the primitive recursive functions.
Everywhere on the internet (or some resources like courses/classes i could put my hands on), the set of basic primitive recursive functions are defined as :
- zero
- successor
- projection
- composition
- primitive recursion
every of those functions are talked about in the paper except the "projection" one.
Did I not understand/see it in the paper ? Or how would I construct the basic PR functions "projection" from what has been drawn by Gödel ?
My main question was : how to construct the 'not', 'or', 'equal' using PR. One can find them easily on the internet, but they use this "projection" function.
At the very moment i am editing this question, I am particularily interested in the 'equal' relation.
Thank you
The theory of (primitive) recursive functions has been sketched by Gödel in his paper and subsequently "streamlined" by other authors.
For a detailed treatment, see :
For a "older" but complete treatment, see :
In brief :
Finally : $sg(x)=0$ if $x=0$ and $sg(x)=1$ if $x \ne 0$ is p.r. because it is defined by :
In Gödel's original paper :
In turn, we can define the constant functions inductively from the constant zero function : $Z(x)=0$ and the successor :
Gödel refined his exposition in his 1934 Priceton lectures (see : Martin Davis (editor), The Undecidable: Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions (1965 - Dover reprint), page 43) (the notes were taken by S.C.Kleene and J.B.Rosser); here the complete definition is stated :
The usual recursive definition of sum is based on the equations :