I am reading a translation of Gödel's original paper about in completeness theorem and there are a couple things i don't understand.
Here is the document i am using primarily : http://www.research.ibm.com/people/h/hirzel/papers/canon00-goedel.pdf
In the part "2.6 Undecidability theorem", it is said that (and i have an intuitive feeling) that :
r = subst(q, 19, number(p))
is supposed to mean "x does not prove p(p)" or rather, "p does not prove p(number(p))".
I "feel" the parallel with the so-called class-sign S or $R_q$ in the sketch of the proof in the introduction.
Here is where i get lost. We have :
r = subst(q, 19, number(p))
r = not(proofFor(x, sub(nb(p), 19, nb(nb(p)))))
But since nb(p) is a sequence of "succ" (encoded as '3') with a "0" in the end, there is not '19' to substitute so i end up with r intuitively meaning : "x is not a proof of nb(p)"
r = not(proofFor(x, nb(p))) since sub(nb(p), 19, nb(nb(p))) = nb(p)
and subst(p, 19, number(p)) = forall(17, r) meaning "nb(p) is not provable", where i guess we should have "p(nb(p)) is not provable".
What id i get wrong ?
Thank you.
Here is the detail of what i come up with that understanding :
q (17,19) = "not(proofFor(x, sub(y, 19, nb(y))))" with x standing for 17 and 19 standing for 19. I understand q is the number of some formula (so called "relation sign")
p (19) = forall(17, q)
p (19) = forall(x, not(proofFor(x, sub(y, 19, nb(y))))) where 'x' and 'y' denote respectively 17 and 19.
r (17) = sub(q, 19, nb(p))
r (17) = not(proofFor(x, sub(nb(p), 19, nb(nb(p)))))
r (17) = not(proofFor(x, nb(p)))
"x does not prove nb(p)" and :
forall(17, r) : "nb(p) is not provable"
Since : number(n) = succ_n(n, seq(1))
And "succ_n" is defined as follows :
succ n(0, x) = x succ n(n + 1, x) = seq(3) ◦ succ n(n, x)
nb(p) is the number of a sequence of '3' and a '1' in the end, there is no '19' to substitute.
EDIT 2 :
If r was defined as : r (17) = sub(q, 19, p)
r (17) = not(proofFor(x, sub(p, 19, nb(p))))
forall(17, r) = sub(p, 19, p) forall(x, not(proofFor(not(proofFor(x, sub(p, 19, nb(p))))))
I could see how one would interpret it as p(nb(p)) (or p(p) ?) is not provable, but with the given definition i just don't see how
Revised edition
I'll use the translation in : Jean van Heijenoort, From Frege to Gödel : A Source Book in Mathematical Logic (1967), page 595-on.
This function is $/ : \mathbb N \to \mathbb N$, while e.g. $+ : \mathbb N \times \mathbb N \to \mathbb N$.
I.e. they are functions with natural numbers as "inputs" and "output".
Now we are in the "arithmetized" world of the syntax, but the functions are still numerical ones; thus, we have to read $Neg : \mathbb N \to \mathbb N$ as the function that takes as input the code of a formula $\varphi$ and produces as output the code of the formula $\lnot \varphi$.
I'll stay with the "standard" use of writing $\ulcorner \varphi \urcorner$ for the code of the formula $\varphi$.
Again, a function that for each number $n$ calculates the code of the numeral $S(S(\ldots S(0)))$, due to the fact that $R(1)=2^1$ is the code of the sequence formed by the single symbol "$0$".
$Subst$ is a syntactical operation performed on the formula $\varphi(y)$. The function $Sb$ is an arithmetical one, acting on number. Thus $Sb \ \ulcorner \varphi \urcorner ^v_y$ is the code of the formula $\varphi (v/y)$ obtained performing the $Subst$ operation.
Thus, $R$ is a $n$-ary relation between numbers and $r$ is a formula of the formal system $P$.
$Q(x,y)$ is a binary numerical relation, defined in terms of previously inrtoduced functions and relations.
By Th.V, it is "expressible" in the system $P$ by a binary relation sign $q$, i.e. by a formula $q(x,y)$.
Let $\ulcorner q \urcorner$ be its code; it is the code number of a formula with two free variables, the two first var in the list of the alphabet, coded with $17$ and $19$ respectively.
Then, $\ulcorner p \urcorner = Gen(17,\ulcorner q \urcorner)$ is the code of the "universal closure" $\forall x q(x,y)$ of the formula $q(x,y)$ with respect to $x$, coded with $17$, due to the fact that the function $Gen(x,y)$ [page 604, n°14] calculates the code number of the GENERALIZATION of the formula coded by $y$ with respect to the VARIABLE coded by $x$.
Thus, the formula $p(y)$ has only one free variable.
Finally, we have $\ulcorner r \urcorner = Sb \ \ulcorner q \urcorner^{19}_{Z(\ulcorner p \urcorner)}$ where $r(x)$ is a new formula with one free variable obtained from $q(x,y)$ substituting the numeral $Z(\ulcorner p \urcorner)$ corresponding to the code for the formula $p(y)$ in place of the second free variable of $q(x,y)$.
This process is called diagonalization :
Following your translation, we have a formula $Q(x, y)$ that "means" : "$x$ does not prove the formula obtained from the formula with code $y$ by subst of the numeral $number(y)$ in place of the (only) free var".
Thus, $p = forall(17, q)$ means : "for all $x$, $x$ does not prove the formula obtained from the formula with code $y$ by subst of the numeral $number(y)$ in place of its only free variable", i.e. "the formula $\ldots$ is unprovable".
A very good book is :
See page 137 for some illuminating details :
See also, for useful details : Diagonalization Lemma.