Let be $S$ a r.v. define as $S=\sum_{i=1}^N X_i$, where:
$-$ $X_i$ has mean $\mu_x$ and variance $\sigma_x^2$;
$-$ $N \sim Poisson(\lambda)$;
$-$ $X_i$ are i.i.d. and $X_i$ and $N$ are independent.
I've found a topic where is shown that $E[S]=E[N]E[X_j]$; but what about $var(S)$?
Could be $var(S)=var(\sum_{i=1}^N X_i)prob(N=n)=\sum_{i=1}^N var(X_i)prob(N=n)=Nprob(N=n)var(X_i)=n(\frac{\lambda^n}{n!})\sigma_x^2=\frac{\lambda^n}{n-1!}\sigma_x^2$?
Thanks for your help.
In this situation one can show that $V(S) = E(N)V(X) + V(N)[E(X)]^2.$ One proof of this uses a conditioning argument. Proofs are shown in many beginning and intermediate level probability texts (perhaps including yours).
So in your case $V(S) = \lambda\sigma_x^2 + \lambda\mu_x^2.$
Here is a simulation in R for a million repetitions of such an experiment, where $\lambda = 10$ and $X_j \sim Norm(\mu = 100, \sigma=15)$. In this case, we should have $E(S) = 10(100) = 100$ and $V(S) = 10(225) + 10(10000) = 102250$ or $SD(S) = 319.7655.$ I chose these values of the parameters to illustrate the importance of the second term in the expression for the variance.
The simulation is accurate to about the nearest integer.
The histogram of simulated values of $S$ shows a skewed distribution. (A sum of a fixed number $n=10$ of these iid normal terms would, of course, be normal--and with much smaller variance.)