Prove the following equality to show a relationship between Poisson and Gamma Random Variables

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I've been trying to do integration by parts on the following left side of this equation for the past half hour but my problem is that I cannot get rid of the Gamma variable. For the left side, I see the resemblance to Poisson, but I'm not so sure how I can get rid of the summation sign. Any ideas? Here's the identity:

$$\int_{x}^{\infty} 1/\gamma(\alpha) z^{\alpha} e^{-z} dz=\sum_{n=0}^{\alpha-1} x^{y}e^{-x}/y!$$. Let $\alpha=1, 2, etc...$

Also you can't really use integration by parts for the right side either...


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I'm unable to comment, but your summation on the right-hand side doesn't make sense because the index $n$ isn't found anywhere in the summand and I don't think you're actually just summing that quantity an infinite number of times.