A Real Analysis book which is in both French and English Languages.

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I need a real analysis book which is in both French and English languages. So, it would be great if anybody does have any idea of this issue.


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I guess there is a large number of books on real analysis or some closely related topic which where published in/translated to both languages. Especially since you said in your comment that: "Any analysis book with any level is okay. For instance, Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Rudin to Real Analysis by Folland, etc." This might cover quite wide range of books. So I thought that it might be a good idea to start a CW answer where various users can add books they are aware of.

  • R. Godement: Analyse mathématique. At least some of the four volumes have been translated to English. (As a part of Springer's Universitext series.)
  • Jean Dieudonné's Traité d'analyse. Many (if not all) volumes of have been translated to English. (As Treatise on Analysis or Foundation of Modern Analysis. However, these books might be closer to functional analysis than to real analysis.)
  • Wieslawa J.Kaczor, Maria T.Nowak: Problems in Mathematical Analysis and Problèmes d'analyse (three volumes). If I remember correctly, both English text and French text are translation from Polish.
  • N. Piskunov (or Piskounov): Differential and Integral Calculus and Calcul différentiel et intégral. Translated from the Russian original Пискунов Н.С.: Дифференциальное и интегральное исчисления; published by Mir.
  • W. Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis, translated as Principes d'analyse mathématique.

  • W. Rudin: Real and Complex Analysis, translated as Analyse réelle et complexe.

  • S. Lang: Real Analysis, translated as Analyse réelle.

  • A. N. Kolmogorov, S. V. Fomin: Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis, Éléments de la théorie des fonctions et de l'analyse fonctionnelle. Translations of Элементы теории функций и функционального анализа.

  • All books in Bourbaki's Elements of Mathematics series were originally written in French.