I have to take a french proficiency exam for my grad program and I need to provide a french math book from which my exam coordinator will choose two pages for me to translate.
I was hoping for some help locating a pdf online of a french book on some undergrad level math. Something on Real Analysis, Group Theory, Calculus, or Elementary Linear Algebra would be good.
I've tried just googling and I haven't really found any free pdfs.
Thanks for the help!
You could just go to to your University library and try finding Grothendieck's Éléments de géométrie algébrique, which has not been translated from the original French and provides plenty of practice.
As to why your Google searching has not been going well, you have probably been trying to Goggle French Math textbooks in English, which will get you English results. Google what you want (field of Math, textbook name, etc) in French with 'pdf' and you will get many results. For example:
Cours d’analyse
Analyse Mathématique I
Cours de Mathematiques 2
Perhaps also try Googling 'language proficiency exams math graduate french practice' or the like and see what comes along.