I have the following problem. We are in $\mathbb R^{2n+1}$ and we want to compute $$\int_S d\mathcal H^{2n}$$ where $S:=\{(x_1,\dots,x_{2n},t): \sqrt{x_1^2+ \dots+x_{2n}^2}=r, |t|\leq r^2\}.$
We have a parametrization of $S$ given by $\phi: \mathbb S\to \mathbb R^{2n+1}, \, (x_1,\dots,x_{2n})\mapsto (x_1,\dots,x_{2n}, x^2_1+\dots + x^2_{2n}),$ where $\mathbb S$ is the $2n-1$-dimensional sphere in $\mathbb R^{2n}$ of radius $r$.
So $$\int_S d\mathcal H^{2n}=\int_\mathbb S J_\phi dx_1\dots dx_{2n},\\ J_\phi:=\sqrt {det(\mathcal J^t\phi \cdot \mathcal J\phi) }; $$ $\mathcal J\phi$ is the jacobian matrix of $\phi$.
Now, $\mathcal J^t\phi \cdot \mathcal J\phi= I_{2n}+4A,$ where $I_{2n}$ is the identity matrix $2n\times 2n$ and $A=(a_{ij})=x_i x_j$, so $\mathcal J^t\phi \cdot \mathcal J\phi$ is symmetric. My problem is: how can I compute the determinant? Is there an easy way? Is it correct to calculate the integral in this way?
Thanks in advance, any kind of help is really appreciated.
Ok, the parametrization is clearly wrong, so I think a correct one is simply the identity: $$\sigma: \mathbb S \times [-r^2,r^2] \to \mathbb R^{2n+1}, \quad (x,\rho)\mapsto (x,\rho). $$ In this case $J\sigma=1,$ so
$$\int_S d\mathcal H^{2n}=\int_{-r^2}^{r^2}\int_\mathbb S dx_1\dots dx_{2n} d\rho=|\mathbb S|2r^2=2n \omega_{2n} r^{2n-1} \, 2r^2=2n \omega_{2n}2 r^{2n+1}.$$
But this seems to be wrong, since on my notes I've written that $$\int_S d\mathcal H^{2n}=(2n-1) \omega_{2n}2 r^{2n+1}.$$