I would like to learn about the Curry-Howard Isomorphism because I want to know more about the connections between computability and logic. I have already read a book on first order logic and I know about natural deduction, so I do not want to learn about logic, but about the connections between logic and computability. Can you recommend few books for a self-learner? Best if they have exercises with answers or full solutions.
2025-01-12 23:52:09.1736725929
Book on Curry-Howard Isomorphisms
1k Views Asked by Trismegistos https://math.techqa.club/user/trismegistos/detail At
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I recommend Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism, Volume 149 (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics) by Morten Heine Sørensen and Pawel Urzyczyn.
From the Amazon review:
Key features
The Curry-Howard Isomorphism treated as common theme
Reader-friendly introduction to two complementary subjects: Lambda-calculus and constructive logics
Thorough study of the connection between calculi and logics
Elaborate study of classical logics and control operators
Account of dialogue games for classical and intuitionistic logic
Theoretical foundations of computer-assisted reasoning