I read about a theorem a while ago that said something along the lines that the global dimension of a finite dimensional, associative unitary $k$-algebra is the maximum of the projective dimension of its simple modules. I can't find a reference for this. Anyone can point me to it? Thanks!
2025-01-13 11:51:11.1736769071
The global dimension of a $k$-algebra depends only on the simple modules
719 Views Asked by Werner Germán Busch https://math.techqa.club/user/werner-german-busch/detail At
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In [McConnell, Robson: Noncommutative noetherian rings], 7.1.8, you can find a proof that
If the ring is a finite dimensional algebra, then a cyclic module is of course also finite dimensional. Such a module has a finite composition series, and a little homological algebra involving long exact sequences for Ext and induction on the length of the composition series shows that
Together with the previous observation, we see that
Now Corollary 7.1.14 in that book tells us that if $A$ has finite global dimension, then that global dimension is equal to the supremum of the projective dimensions of the simples. On the other hand, if the global dimension is infinite, the last displayed result tells us that at least one simple has infinite projective dimension. In both cases, therefore, we have that