At the beginning of a course in Model Theory, one is introduced to the definition of signature, structure and homomorphism. It is then clear that the class of all structures over a fixed signature $L$ forms a category. Or that taking the reduction of a structure to a smaller signature gives raise to a functor.
The fact is that as we go further, we build a lot of syntax from our signature: we introduce terms, atomic formulas and then a full, possibly infinitary laguage. We speak of theories, and most fundamentally of the Tarski truth relation "$\models$".
It is not clear to me how one can formalize these syntactic concepts and their interplay with semantics categorically, and I would be very curious to know about possible vocabularies between the two fields.
For instance: what is, categorically a formula? How can we express its truth in a structure?
Any help or reference would be great, especially if introductory.
Thanks in advance
If I understand your question, you are looking for a categorical interpretation of first-order classical logic. I guess this paper perfectly answers your question (in particular, see p. 18 and later), if you are in a language where the only terms are individual variables (sometimes such a framework is called relational first-order logic). The paper is supposed to be self-contained.
The idea is simple. The syntactic category representing relational first-order logic is given by:
Of course, to make it work, there are several details to check, in particular to correctly interpret quantifications.
Unfortunately the machinery required to interpret full first-order logic (with constants and function symbols) is much more complex. The aforementioned paper cites Jacobs' book for that, in particular Chapter 4 is devoted to full first-order logic.